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In The Garden

Intelligent Creation?

May 02, 20241 min read

I often ask myself myself how people can think that humankind evolved from a slimy, green gelatinous substance. The THEORY of evolution is that change (evolution) occurs to meet a survival need. If this is the case then "How" or "Why" did the human eye discern the need to distinguish between different wavelengths of light, and come to the conclusion that color was a beautiful thing?

Anyway, that aside, I prefer to elevate my existence with the self realization that I am a deliberate, mindful creation - fashioned for a purpose. This establishes my reason for being and DOING! How would I know that? That's easy - I believe (nothing else makes sense) for the fact that I am a created, thinking spirit being living in an earth suit!

Humankind was created to "take dominion over" and "subdue the earth" (create order out of chaos) - Genesis 1:26-28. This was the first word concerning responsibility, authority and purpose. In fact, God gave His authority (the Creator's authority) over the earth to His Creation.

The subject of why the earth was in a state of chaos immediately after creation is the subject of another study.

In the imagined image (above), notice the white "glow." The first couple were not naked as we understand it because they were clothed in white robes of righteousness - often referred to in the Bible and promised to us once again at the end of the age.

The glow in the background could easily be imagined to be the presence of the Lord - walking in the cool of the evening alongside them.

Go on, you know you want to contemplate that for a few minutes!

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Richard Honey

Richard is a Pastor/Evangelist and an I.T. professional providing technology and ministry services to churches and business.

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