This site is not a substitute for in-depth Bible study. It provides a "big picture" overview for people who instinctively know "there is more" to life and living.

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The Beginning

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1)

However, during a period of time, we read in verse 2 that the earth was without "form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep." It had no order and no life - it was in a state of chaos. There is much discussion about what happened between verse 1 and verse 2 given that God, being a perfect God, would not have simply created a hunk of formless rock spinning through space. Is this "Genesis Gap" a period of ages that simply do not relate to humankind, and the purpose for which we were created?

However that was the beginning. God then proceeded to create light, day, night, sun, moon, stars, and planets. Next came life (creatures) upon the earth, and finally mankind "in our image."

The reason for the word "our" is because God is a triune being (a 3-part being) Father, Son and Holy Ghost. This is recorded by the use of the Hebrew word "Elohim." You also are a 3 part being - Spirit (you ARE a spirit), Soul (you HAVE a thinking and emotional 'body'), and finally a physical body in which you live to survive and thrive on planet Earth.

The reason for creating the "First Couple" is laid out in Genesis 1:26-28. They were to multiply, take dominion over the planet and the critters that live on it, and subdue the environment. In other words they were to bring order out of the chaos.

This is just the start of the Beginning. More can be said about the origins of covenants and how the Hebrew people were set apart to be priests and to teach mankind about God. The history of the land is told through the Old Testament of the Bible, and substantiated through many, many archeological finds in the land that is today called Israel.

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"Each one of us is on a journey - we don't all move at the same pace. Act in love, speak with kindness."