The "Jesus Deal" is a plan to redeem (take back) fallen humankind from under the authority of Lucifer (a fallen angel, which we refer to as the devil) and restore the human race to a relationship with a loving Father (our Creator).
With the intent of this website being the KIS (keep it simple) approach to our spiritual history and transformation here are some key points - with supporting scripture for you to research:-
After the original sin (Adam disbelieving/not trusting God's word) the plan became known as early as Genesis 3:14-15 - God put enmity (hate/dislike) between the serpent who led Eve away from the her faith in God, and her descendants - mankind. The seed referred to in these verses is spiritual seed - evil intent against righteous intent.
Prior to the original sin, God had already passed all authority for the ongoing welfare of the Earth to Adam (humankind.) Because of this, only a person of human descent, born into the Earth and free from the sin condition which the rest of us inherited, could willingly choose to take the punishment for this disobedient race of people. It's not just what you do, it's the condition into which you are born that requires you to choose Jesus in order to switch to "the other side". Jesus of Nazareth was that 'man' born into the world as our rescuer (Savior). Jesus Christ is "the anointed one, born of a woman, fathered by the Holy Spirit" and yet fully human.
Our acceptance of this plan, with us receiving Jesus as Lord, leads to a transformation which teaches us to give up hate, revenge, anger, evil thoughts and doings, and become beings of love, kindness, patience and compassion for others. This things can never be practiced effectively - with unconditional love, without the transformation offered by Jesus.
In summary, The Jesus Deal is a plan to create a new race of human beings in relationship with a Creator Father. Through this relationship He will provide for their wellbeing. We are to provide the FAITH and TRUST in Him to do what He has promised - for those that are in that relationship. For our part we are to help in expanding His family by being Sons and Daughters and loving and encouraging others to do the same.
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Churches and Ministry Organizations