The need for Jesus in your life - to remove your sin, is not about your behavior but it is about WHERE you were born - PLANET EARTH.
Think about it this way:
If you get on an airplane, or a bus and that vehicle is involved in an accident just the fact you were on the bus means that you are involved in the accident. In a serious crash where everybody dies it doesn't even matter where you are sitting or how much you paid for your ticket, the outcome of the crash means everybody dies. Everybody pays a price for the "fault" of the driver.
The original creation had a serious crash - they turned from God, ignored His laws which He had every right to create and started paying more attention to the evil one who rebelled against God and rejected His supreme authority. In doing this, our relationship with God was broken - we effectively divorced ourselves from Him.
So now you know, you are a sinner not because of what you have done, but because you are born into a world that shut God out of its affairs a long, long time ago. Everybody who gets aboard this bus (planet Earth) is a sinner - bound for destruction with only one way to avoid it.
God in His mercy had a plan for each of us to have the option to put on some protective gear and save ourselves. You have a choice - Jesus is your superhero who has provided an opportunity to be saved, or you can ignore Jesus and stay on the bus with no way to avoid the coming destruction.
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